(1950/¶Â¥Õ/¸f»y/¤¤¤å¦r¹õ) ¾Éºt: ¶¾®p ¦Xºt: ¥ì¬î¤ô¡B§õ®ü¬u¡B¶¾®p §õ¤pÀs¥H¤Q·³¤§¥®ÄÖºt¥X¡u²Ó¸ô²»¡v¡M©ú¬P·ªö¦¤w¦³¸ñ¥i´M¡M²Ó¸ô²»¦Û¤p¥¢¥hÂù¿Ë¡M³Q¥ì¬î¤ô¦¬¾i¡M¾a¯²½æº©µe®Ñ¬°¥Í¡C¤@¦¸¥©¦Xµ²ÃÑ¡u¸¤M§õ¡v¶¾®p¡M»~¤Jª[³~¡Q«á±o¤k¤u²öÄÁø¦n¨¥¬ÛÄU¡M²×§ï¹L¦Û·s¡C¥»¤ùªº§G´º·¥´I¥»¤g¯S¦â¡M¤Ï¬M¥X·í®ÉªºªÀ·|¤å¤Æ¤Î¥Í¬¡¤ô¥¡C§õ¤pÀs»P¤÷¿Ë§õ®ü¬u¦P¥xºt¥X¡M¥O¼v¤ù§O¨ã·N¸q¡C¤µ¦¸©ñ¬Mªº«þ¨©¬°»´ä¹q¼v¸ê®ÆÀ]·s×´_ª©¥»¡C ¡@ |
The Kid
(aka My
Son A-chang)
(1950/B & W/Cantonese/Eng & Chi subtitles) Dir: Fung Fung Cast: Yee Cau-shui, Lee Hoi-chuen, Fung Fung At age 10, Bruce Lee proved that he's a natural actor, giving a lively and vivid performance as "The Kid" of the title. The stroy revolves around Lee's character, an orphan raised by Yee Chau-shui. He is momentarily led astray by petty criminal Fung Fung but returns to the straight and narrow through the guidance of factory girl Mok Wan-ha. Lee stars with his father Lee Hoi-chuen in the film. A newly restored print by the Hong Kong Film Archive. ¡@ |
Son is Born (aka The Guiding
(1953/¶Â¥Õ/¸f»y) ¾Éºt: «µ¼C ¦Xºt: ®e¤p·N¡B§õ²M¡B±i¬¡´å¡B±i·ë¡B§d·¡¦|¡B¥Õ¿P ³QªÀ·|¿ò±óªº¨p¥Í¤l³¯¤Ñ¥Í(§õ¤pÀs¤Î±i¬¡¹C¤À¹¢)¾D¹J¤Ó¦h¤£¤½¥ªº¹ï«Ý¡M¥O¥L¹ï¤H¥¢¥h«H¤ß¡Q¨¯±o¥Õ¿P®â°ö¡M³Ì²×¦¨¬°¦WÂå¡C§õ¤pÀsºtöµ½¨}ªºªü¥Í¡M¥Ñ¯Â¯uµL¨¸¨ì©t¿WµL§U¦A¨ì¿n·¥¶i¨ú¡M³£ºt¥X¼h¦¸·P¡Q§d·¡¦|¡M±i·ë¡MªL©f©f°µ¡u¤j¦l¤H¡v¡M¤TºØ¨ý¹D¡M¦U¦³¯S¦â¡C
Mother Remembers (aka A Mother's Tears)
(1953/¶Â¥Õ/¸f»y) ¾Éºt: «µ¼C ¦Xºt: ¬õ½u¤k¡B±i·ë¡B¦ã¶² ¥À¿Ëªº°¶¤j¦b¤ù¤¤±o¨ì±R°ªªººq¹|----¬õ½u¤k¦b¤V¤Ò¦º«á¤@¤O©Ó¾á¾i®aªº«¥ô¡M±¤ªø¤l¤£°È¥¿·~¡M¤G¤k³g¼}µêºa¡M¤£¨D¤W¶i¡M¥s¦o¦ÑÃh¦w¼¢¡C·O¥À¬J¤wºÉ¤ßºÉ¤O¡M¤l¤kªº©R¼Æ¤£¬O¤@¤v¥i¥H¾Þ±±¡C¡m·O¥À²\¡nªº«þ¨©¤@«×´²¥¢¡M«á±o¸ê®ÆÀ]´MÀò¡M³o³¡¬õ½u¤k»P¯³¼Cªº¥Nªí§@³vªº¥H¦A²{»È¹õ¡C
(1953/¶Â¥Õ/¸f»y) (17/12 ©ñ¬M^¤å¦r¹õ) ¾Éºt: ¯]¿Y ¦Xºt: §d·¡¦|¡BµµÃ¹½¬¡B¶À°Ò±ù ¼v¤ù¥H¨âÓI´ºÄa®íªº®a®x§@¹ï¤ñ¡M¤Ï¬M¾Ô«á»´äªºªÀ·|¹êªp¡M±a¥X¡m¥Í¬¡¾aÂù¤â¡nªº¥DÃD¡C¤j°Ó¸ë¥î·¡¦|¬O¡uªÅ¤ß¦Ñ¾¡vªí±Áïºï¨ä¹ê¶Å¥x°ª¿v¡C¹¢ºt¥q¾÷ªº§õ²M«h¸}½ñ¹ê¦a¡M¿n·¥ ¨ú¥Íp¡M»P®a¤H¤¬¬Û«jÀy¡C¥»¤ù¥Ñ¦h¦ì¬õµP©ú¬P§U°}¡M¦ì¦ì¦h«ê¦p¨ä¥÷¡Mºt¥X¨¤¦âªº¨å«¬©Ê¡C ¡@ A Myriad Homes (1953/B & W/Cantonese) (English subtitles for screening on 17/12) Dir: Chu Kea Cast: Ng Cho-fan, Tsi Lo-lin, Wong Man-lei Two contrasting settings present a vivid picture of social contradictions of family life in 50s' Hong Kong. Bruce Lee joins a large cast of well-known professionals including Lo Dun, Wong Man-lei and Tsi Lo-Lin.
the Face of Demolition
(1953/¶Â¥Õ/¸f»y) (25/11 ©ñ¬M^¤å¦r¹õ) ¾Éºt: §õÅK ¦Xºt: ±i·ë¡B¿c´°¡B§d·¡¦|¡BµµÃ¹½¬ ¥»¤ù³q¹L¤@¼l ¦M¼Óùؤ£¦P¦í«Èªº¨¯»Ä¡M¤Äµe¥X¤p¥«¥Á¥Í¬¡ªº¦å¡M¬O¤¤Q¦~¥N¡u¼g¹ê¤ù¡v¸g¨å¤§§@¡C¬G¨ÆħtÂ×´Iªº¥Í¬¡²Ó¸`¡M¨Ï¥¦¬Ý¦ü¥¤Z¡M«o°Ê¤H¦Ü²`¡C¼v¤ùªº¯S¥Z¯S§OÁ¿´§õ¤pÀsªººt¥X¡M¨¬»P¾Ô«eµ£¬P¸¯¦õªv§¬ü¡C ¡@ In the Face of Demolition (1953/B & W/Cantonese) (English subtitles for screening on 25/12) Dir: Lee Tit Cast: Cheung Ying, Lo Dun, Ng Cho-fan, Tsi Lo-lin A distinguished social realist classic from the 50s', with a setting of a tenement building occupied by various tenants who represent different class levels in the society. Bruce Lee's performance was singled out for praise by the film's promoters, and he was likened to the great pre-war child star George Kot. ¡@ |
(1953/¶Â¥Õ/¸f»y) (¤U¶°25/11©ñ¬M^¤å¦r¹õ) ¾Éºt: ¤ýÃô¡B§õÅK¡B§õ±á·¡B§d¦^¡B¯³¼C¡B¯]¿Y ¦Xºt: ¤p¿P¸¡B¥Õ¿P¡B§d·¡¦|¡B¬õ½u¤k¡B±i¬¡´å¡B°¨®v´¿ ¬G¨Æµo¥Í¦b¤@¿´½ü²î¤W¡M¨â¶°¥H¤Ó¤p¬qªí´¤»ºØ·Rªº°¶¤j¡C§õ¤pÀs¹¢ºtÂø§ÞÃÀ¤H°¨®v´¿¤§¤l¡M·í¦~ªº¼vµû´¿¹D¡R¡u³o¦ì¦~»´ªººtû¡M¦b³\¦hºt§Þºë·Ò¸gÅç´I¨¬ªººtû±«e¡MÀ¸«o¯à¤£Åã±o¹à¡C¡C¡C¡v¡B¥i¨£¥L±oºt§Þ¤w±oÃÙ³\¡C ¡@ Love (Part 1 and 2) (1955/B & W/Cantonese) (English subtitles for screening of Part 2 on 25/11) Dir: Wong Hang, Lee Tit, Lee Sun-fung, Ng Wui, Chun Kim, Chu Kea Cast: Siu Tin-fei, Pak Yin, Ng Cho-fan, Hung Sin-nui, Cheung Wood-yau, Ma Si-tsang Set on board a steamship, this two-part melodrama unfolds in five episodes, dealing with six different facets of love. In part two, Bruce Lee plays the son of Ma Si-tsang, an acrobat artist. A review at the time praised the child star for his "apparent skill even when acting before a cast of old professionals." ¡@ |
Orphan's Tragedy
(1955/¶Â¥Õ/¸f»y) ¾Éºt¡R¦¶¿Y ¦Xºt¡R§d·¡¦|¡M¼B§J«Å¡M±i¬¡¹C¡M¶À·¡¤s¡M¿½«G(¿½ªÚªÚ) ¨f§ó´µìµÛ¡M¥Ñ¦¶¿Y§ï½s¡C§d·¡¦|³Q¦l°Ó¼B§J«Å½æ°²ÃÄ¡M§¤¤F¦h¦~Þº»®É¹J¨£§õ¤pÀs¤@¬q¤×¨äºë±m¡M§õ±¹ï¡uµØ«n¼v«Ò¡vµ´¤£©Ä³õ¡M²Ó¿°¦aªí²{¥X¤º¤ßªº·W±i©MµJ«æ¡M¹ïÆp¬ã¨¤¦â»á¨£¤ß«ä¡Cµ£¬P(¿½ªÚªÚ)»P§õ¤pÀs¦X§@µ´µL¶È¦³¡M¤G¤H«á¨Ó³£¦¨¬°·ÓÄ£»È¾Âªº©ú¬P¡C |
(1955/¶Â¥Õ/¸f»y) ¾Éºt¡R¿ú¤j¨û¡M§õ¨Î ¦Xºt¡R¾HºÑ¶³¡M±ç¿ôªi¡M»ñ°Ä¤k §ï½s¦Û²M¥N§@®a¾GªO¾ô©ÒµÛªºÛ²z¤ù¡M¤T¤K¦~´¿¥Ñ¿ú¤j¨û¡M§õ¨Î¤W»È¹õ¡M¤¤¦~¦A¥Ñ¤G¤H«½s¡M«©ç¡M´y¼g¤j®a®x¤º¥S§Ì²§§Ó¡M©d©c¤£©Mªº®¦«è¡C¾HºÑ¶³ºt¦w¥÷¦u¤vªº¹è°üĹºÉ¤H¤ß¡M»ñ°Ä¤kªº¬¾Ã\§¯´A¬O¦oªº¿Wªù¯µ§Þ¡M±ç¿ôªiºÖÀYºÖ¸£ªº ºt¥X«h¥O¤H¤S·R¤S¬½¡C ¡@ ¡@ |
More the Merrier (aka We Owe It to Our Children)
(1955/¶Â¥Õ/¸f»y) ¾Éºt: «µ¼C ¦Xºt: ¶À°Ò±ù¡B±i¬¡¹C¡BµµÃ¹½¬¡B®e¤p·N ¥H¥Í¨à¨|¤k¬°ÃD§÷ªº¹q¼v¡M¤¤Q¦~¥N©ç¤F¤£¤Ö¡M¨Ò¦p¡m¨à¤k¸g¡n(530¡M¡m¤U¤@¥N¡n(55)µ¥¡M¤Ï¬M¥X¾Ô«áªÀ·| §Ç««Ø«á¡M¥Í¨|½T¬O¥«¥Á¤@¶µ¤Á¥Íªº°ÝÃD¡C¾Éºt¯³ ¤@¦Vµ½©ó±q²{¹ê¤¤¨ú§÷¡M¨Î§@p¦³¡m·O¥À²\¡n¡M¡m®a®a¤á¤á¡n(54)µ¥¡C¥»¤ù¨ìºÉ¤F¤Ñ¤U¤÷¥Àªº¨¯»Ä¡M§õ¤pÀs¹¢¤G©ÐªFªº¨à¤lªü¸ô¡M¬°¡m¤H®ü©tÂE¡nªººë±mºt¥X¥ý§@¼ö¨¡C ¡@ |
Wise Guys Who Fool Around
(1956/¶Â¥Õ/¸f»y) ¾Éºt: ½±°¶¥ú ¦Xºt: ·s°¨®v´¿¡BJ·¬¡B¥ÕÅS©ú¡B¦¶¤¦ ·s°¨¥J¾áºôªºJ¾xÀ¸¼@¡M»¡¥L¦p¦ó§ê²Ó¸ô¦V¥ÕÅS©ú¡m³ÕÃj¡M¯º®Æ¥Õ¥X¡C¥~´ºÄá©ó¤¤Q¦~¥Nªº¯ï¶é¡M·s°¨¥J»P¼B§J«Å§¤¹L¤s¨®¡M«D±`¦³½ì¡C«C¬K´Áªº§õ¤pÀs¹ï©Ê¥Rº¡¦n©_¡M¥ý¬O§ê¤j¤H¬Ý²æ¦ç»R¡MÁ٥ܽd¦p¦óÅܪü¸°l¤k¥J¡C¥L¬ï¤ô¤â¸Ë¡MÀ¹²Ê®Ø²´Ãèݤf¦Yªº³y«¬¡M«ê¥©»P¤Q¦h¦~«á¡mºëªZªù¡n¤ºªº¹q¸Üײzû»»¬Û©IÀ³¡C ¡@ |
Late for Divorce
(1956/¶Â¥Õ/¸f»y) ¾Éºt: ½±°¶¥ú ¦Xºt: ªÚÆAªâ¡B¥ô¼C½÷¡BJ·¬ ½±°¶¥ú§¹¦¨¨üÅwªï¦b¡m±à¶ù¡n(51),¡m±à¶ù¤S¶ù§©¡n(52)«á¡M©ç¤F³o³¡¡m¦ª¾·íªì§Ú±à¶ù¡n¡C¤Ö°üªÚÆAªâ¦b¹D¼wªºÏEÂê¤U¤£¯à¬Û·Rªº¤H´µ¦u¡M³Ì«á«dµo¬°¥§¡M·RÅʳ̲צp¹Ú¤Û¤@³õ¡M§õ¤pÀsºtªÚÆAªâªº¨à¤l¡M±Ð¸É²ß¦Ñ®v»{¼C½÷¸õcha-cha,¥OÆ[²³¤j©I¹LÅ}¡Q¥Lªº»R«º§ó¦b¥H«áªº¹q¼v¤¤¬ÛÄ~¥X²{¡C ¡@ |
(1957/¶Â¥Õ/¸f»y) ¾Éºt: §d¦^ ¦Xºt: ¿c´°¡B¥Õ¿P¡B±öºö¡B±i·ë¡B¶À°Ò±ù ¤¤Q¦~¥N¡M§â·s¤å¾Ç§@«~§ï½s¦¨¹q¼vªº°µªk´¿¦¨¬°¤@®É·©|¡C¨Ò¦p¡m®a¡n(53)©M(´H©])(55)µ¥¡C¡m¹p«B¡n¬O±ä¬ëªº¦WµÛ¡M¼g¤j®a®x¤º¿ùºî´_Âøªº·îÅÊ¡M¤Î´I®a¤lªºÄ^½t¦p¦óº×©µ¤U¤@¥N¡C§õ¤pÀs®Þ¡u³J¹FÀY¡v¬ï¤¤¤s¸Ëºt¥Xµ½¨}ªº¤G¤Ö·Ý¡M¬O¥L°ß¤@ºtÄÀ¤åÃÀ¤p¥Íªº¹Á¸Õ¡C |
(1957/¶Â¥Õ/¸f»y) ¾Éºt: §d¦^ ¦Xºt: ¤åÄõ¡B±i·ë¡B±ç¿ôªi ±ç¿ôªi¤d¤ç¤åÄõªº¦¨¦W§@¡C¦oºt¬¡¤F¤NÆZ¥ô©Êªº¼b¼b¤k¡M»P³ßÅwÞ®a±i·ë°Â°ÂÂàÂà¡M³Ì«á¦¨¬°±¡«Q¡C§õ¤pÀs«È¦êºt¥X¤åÄõªº¦P¾Ç¡M¤j¸õcha-cha,À¸¥÷Áö¤Ö¡M«o·mÃè«D±`¡C
(1960/±m¦â/¸f»y/¤¤^¤å¦r¹õ) ¾Éºt: §õ±á· ¦Xºt: §d·¡¦|¡B¥Õ¿P¡B¶¾®p ¥»¤ù¥Ñ§d·¡¦|ºÊ¨î©M½s¼@¡M¥H¥ì¤h°Ò¤C±mÄá¨î¡M±Mªù¹B©¹^°ê¨R¦L¡M¦b·í®É¬O¸f¤ù¤¤ªº¨u¨£ªº§ë¸ê¡C¨Æ¹êµý©ú¬Oȱoªº¡R[·s¤H]§õ¤pÀs¿W¬D¤j±ç¡M¤£t«±æ¡M¾W¨~²¦ÅS¡C¦bºtÄÀ¬yª][°Ú¤T]®É¥L¨Ï¥Î¤j¶qªº¼sªFù»y¡M·¥¤§¶Ç¯«©M¦a¹D¡M¡m¤H¡n¤ù¹E¦¨¬°¥Lu¬ü¯d¾Ç«eªº¥Nªí§@¡C¥»¤ùªº±m¦â·s¦L«þ¨©¬°¸ê®ÆÀ]¬ÃÂáC ¡@ The Orphan (1960/Colour/Cantonese/Eng & Chi subtitles) Dir: Lee Sun-fung Cast: Ng Cho-fan, Pak Yin, Fung Fung The film was Bruce Lee's last role in this first phase of his career in the Hong Kong cinema before he departed to the United States to take up his studies. Lee plays a young delinquent. The nominal star is Ng Cho-fan, head of a school for orphans who seeks to reform bad boy Bruce. In the process, Ng discovers that Bruce is his long lost son. The Archive has in its collection a new colour print of the film. ¡@ |
(1960/±m¦â/¸f»y¡N¤¤^¤å¦r¹õ) ¾Éºt: ùºû ¦Xºt: ]¥i¨q¡BÁú^¶Ì¡B¦ç¨Ì Áï§O»¦¿¤Q¸üªº§õ¤pÀs¦^´ä¡M±Æ¤F§ïÅÜ¥Lªº¤@¥Í¡M¥ç¾_°Ê¾ãÓ»´ä¼v¾Âªº¡mð¤s ¤j¥S¡n¡C¤ù¤¤¥L¬I®i´ý¨¸Ñ¼Æ¡M¤£³æ®i¥Ü¤F[ÕæªÅ¤T¼u»L]ªº¯u¥\¤Ò,§ó«Ø¥ßÂA©úªº¦Û§Ú§Î¶H(¦pÀ¿»ó¡M¥´ªù®ÉªºÀz¥sÁnµ¥)¥OÆ[²³¹Ä¬°Æ[¤î¡C¹Q¤åÃh¦¨¥\§â¼v¤ùµo¦æ¥þ¥@¬É¡M¨ÏÆ[²³¬°¤§µÛ°g¡M¥»¤ù³Q¤½»{¬O¤C¤Q¦~¥N¥\¤Ò¤ùªº¸g¨å§@¤§¤@¡C ¡@ The Big Boss (1971/Coclour/Cantonese/Eng & Chi subtitles) Dir: Luo Wie Cast: Nora Miao, Han Yingjie, Yi Yi Being a way from Hong Kong for ten years, Bruce Lee was enticed back to make this landmark Kung Fu movie. Accordingly, Lee plays a young migrant worker in an ice factory in Thailand. His co-workers start to disappear, leading our hero to investigate. When Lee finally erupts into action, we see all the actor's legendary martial arts skills as well as his personality trademarks. ¡@ |
(1972/±m¦â/¸f»y¡N¤¤^¤å¦r¹õ) ¾Éºt: ùºû ¦Xºt: ¥Ð«T¡B]¥i¨q¡BÃQ¥¿D¡B¦ç¨Ì §õ¤pÀs¹¢ºtÀN¤¸¥Òªº§Ì¤l³¯¯u¡M³ò³ø®v¤³«ã±þ¤é¥»¤H¡Q¥L¬O«Ø¥ß¥Á±Ú´LÄYªº^¶¯¡MÆ[²³·R°êªº±¡¾Þ³£§ë®g¨ì¥L¨¤W¡C¦¹¤ùªº¥\¤Ò³õ±ºë±m¤§³B¤£¥Î¦h»¡¡M³B²z·P±¡À¸¥ç¥X©_¦a§t»W²ÓP¡C Fist of Fury (1972/Colour/Cantonese/Eng & Chi subtitles) Dir: Luo Wei Cast: Tian Jun, Nora Miao, Wei Ping'ao, Yi Yi This follow-up to the successful The Big Boss is, in many ways, a more significant work. Bruce Lee plays the young impulsive disciple of a martial arts master who has died at the hands of traitors. Lee vows vengeance, and in the process wipes out the shame and insults hurled at him (and, by implication, at all Chinese) by Japanese usurpers. ¡@ |
(1972/±m¦â/¸f»y¡N¤¤^¤å¦r¹õ) ¾Éºt: §õ¤pÀs ¦Xºt: ¶À©v¨³¡B]¥i¨q¡Bù §¤h §õ¤pÀsº³¡¦Û½s¦Û¾É¦Ûºt¤§§@¡AºÉ±¡µo´§¡u¤¤°ê¥\¤Ò¡vªº«Â¤O¡A¨ÏµØ¤H¦b¥~°ê¿nÀ£ªº©}°d±o¥H«Åªn¡Cµ²§À§õ¤pÀs©óù§¤hªº¨M°«³õ±¦b¦WÄá¼v®v¶PÄõ¤sªºÃèÀY¤U¡AºÉ²{°ª¤â¹L©Ûªº·N¨ý¡A®ðª^ªºÀç³y¦³Äà¤Hªº®ð¶Õ¡F¦Ó¦b®æÀÅù§¤h«á爲¥L§å¤W¾Ô³T¡A§ó¬O§õ¤óªZ³Nõ¾Ç³Ì°ª¹Ò¬ÉªºÅé²{¡C ¡@ The Way of the Dragon (1972/Colour/Cantonese/Eng subtitles) Dir: Bruce Lee Cast: Huang Zongxun, Nora Miao, Chuck Norris Shot wholly in Italy, Lee plays a country bumpkin who comes to Rome to work in a Chinese restaurant and ends up fighting the bad guys seeking to muscle in. The climax has Lee engaged in a man-to-man combat opposite Chuck Norris set in the Colosseum itself. ¡@ |
(1973/±m¦â/¸f»y¡N¤¤^¤å¦r¹õ) ¾Éºt: °ª¼Ö¸Ö ¦Xºt: ¥Û°í¡B´LÂÄ»¹¡B³ì§» §õ¤pÀs¦Û²Õ¡u¨ó©M¡v¡A¹ê¦æ¤¤¬ü¹q¼v°éÄâ¤â¡A»P¡uµØ¯Ç¡v¦X©ç¡mÀsª§ªê°« ¡n¡AP¤O¥´¶i°ê»Ú¹q¼v¥«³õ¡C^¤å¦W¦rEnter the Dragon¥Ñ§õ¤pÀs¿Ë¦Ûºc«ä¡A·N¿×¥L¬Oº¦ì¤¤°ê¤H¨¥÷¦¨爲´ä¬ü¦X©ç¤ùªº²Ä¤@¨k¥D¨¤¡A¥i»¡¤w¹F¨ì¡uÀs¡vªº¹Ò¬É¡C¥i±¤¥»¤ù¥ç¦¨爲¥L³Ì«á§¹¦¨ªº¤@³¡¿ò§@¡C ¡@ Enter the Dragon (1973/Colour/Cantonese/Eng & Chi subtitles) Dir: Robert Clouse Cast: Sek Kin, John Saxon, Roy Chiao Lee's first Hollywood co-production following his successful Hong Kong efforts, but sadly also his last complete film. The plot follows a James Bond-like concourse, with Lee playing an international agent who penetrates the island lair of villain Sek Kin, and , in the hall-of-mirrors climax fights a duel to the death with Sek. ¡@ ¡m¦º¤`¹CÀ¸¡n (1978/±m¦â/¸f»y¡N¤¤^¤å¦r¹õ) ¾Éºt: §õ¤pÀs¡B°ª¼Ö¸Ö¡B¬xª÷Ä_ ¦Xºt: ¬xª÷Ä_¡B´í¤Ú¡B¨Ì¾|¤s«× §õ¤pÀs¥¼§¹¦¨ªº¿ò§@¡A¦³¥Ñ¹Å¥Ý²Õ¦¨ªº¤K¤H¤p²Õ«©ç¡C¼@¥»´yz§õ¤pÀs¥H¡uºI®±¹D¡v¬D¾Ô¦U¬É°ª¤â¡A¥]¬AÄx²y©ú¬P´í¤Ú¡Bµá«ß»«¡uÅ]§ú¡v¨Ì¾|¤s«×¡B¤Î§t®ð¹D¤j®v¦Àº~¸üµ¥¡Ap¹º¤¤¦nÀÀ½Ð®±¤ýªüùØ¡B²y¤ý¨©§Qµ¥°ê»Ú©ú¬Pºt¥X¡C¹q¼v¤½¥q±ý§â§õ¤pÀs¡u´_¬¡¡v¡A©µÄò¥LªºÃÀ³N¥Í©R¡C²¦³º¤j®a³£§Æ±æ¥Lªº¦º¥u¬O¤@³õ¹CÀ¸¡C ¡@ The Game of Death(1978/Colour/Cantonese/Eng & Chi subtitles) Dir: Bruce Lee, Robert Clouse, Sammo Hung Cast: Sammo Hung, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Danny Inosanto Lee's last project, left uncompleted due to his death. Golden Harvest set about to complete it somehow, organising a special 8-man team to follow Lee's original blueprint as much as possible. The film stands as the last albeit imperfect testament of Bruce Lee's martial arts legacy. |